
Thank you for your interest in our custom essays services! Below table summarizes our prices. Please take into account that we do not provide free essays! You are welcome to take a look at free essay examples, however, we do not provide free essay services. Not a single professional writer will write custom essay for free! You are free to contact us if you have any questions!

Prices are in US dollars. One page – minimum 275 words, Arial, 12 pt., double-spaced. If you seek for essay to buy, single-spaced, 2 pages, for example, you need to place an order for 4 double-spaced pages. If you are not sure how many pages you need to order, you are welcome to contact us and we will assist you.Custom essay writing service we provide is qualitative. It means that we take into account all of your comments, instructions, and requirements. Despite of the chosen deadline, we deliver 100% plagiarism free essay. When you buy essay service at our site, you pay for the work of experienced and educated writers.

In addition, every customer is entitled to request free services, namely title page, outline, abstract, and reference page. If you want to take advantage of these free services, you need to request them in the description field of the order form. Moreover, you are welcome to communicate with the writer directly, to claim free plagiarism report, and unlimited number of revisions. Your interests are always on the first place! It is safe and easy to buy essay writing service at our site!

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